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Imperial Heights Garage
Gift Certificates

Need to buy a gift for a family member or friend? Consider giving that special person an Imperial Heights Garage gift certificate. The certificate may then be used to purchase automotive/racing supplies and services from us.
To purchase a gift certificate, stop by Imperial Heights Garage, give us a call at 412/331-3500, or print, complete and mail us a copy of this form.
Your Name _________________________________________________________
Your Address _______________________________________________________
Your Phone Number _________________________________________________
Name of Gift Recipient _______________________________________________
Reason for Gift (optional - holiday, birthday, etc.) ________________________
Gift Certificate Amount _______________________________________________
Please send your completed copy of this gift certificate form, along with your check or money order to:
        Imperial Heights Garage
        c/o Dennis Halbedl
        233 Stark Avenue
        Imperial, PA 15126
We will send the gift certificate to you, unless you instruct us otherwise.
Comments ________________________________________________________
Feel free to call us at 412/331-3500 if you have any questions about purchasing your next gift certificate from Imperial Heights Garage. Thank you.

Follow-up taken by IHG/Denny:



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